
Hello fashionistas, My name is Grace Louisa, I’m 17 and this is my blog graceful couture. So I’ll tell you a bit about me,

Living in? London, England

DOB? 31st July 1998

Appearence: judge me for yourself below blonde/gingery hair, green eyes, paleish

Height? 5,1 (yes im a little one)

Relationship Status? In love with one pretty awesome dude

education? Student at the Fashion Retail Academy in London studying fashion buisness

Career? Hoping one day to be in the fashion industry as well as still successfully blogging

friends? Lucky to have a few very close friends who mean the world for their support

What am I?   The things you need to know about me when reading this blog are that inspiring writer, a shopaholic and a music wannabe pop star. I’m a reader of company magazine which is where I get most of my fashion inspiration from along with tumblr, other fashion blogs and celebrity influences.

Inspirations?; I’m a reader of company magazine which is where I get most of my fashion inspiration from along with tumblr, other fashion blogs and celebrity influences. including the kardashian/Jenner clan, Alexa Chung, Ashley Benson, Kate Moss and Paloma Faith. I also have massive fashion influences from the 50’s era as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn etc.

Style?; I’d describe my style as a kind of smart retro with a hint of hippy at times. I love straight tunic dresses and I love an outfit with a lot of colour. I’m also into make up and love bright lipsticks and eye makeup, basically I couldn’t live without my eyeliner.

Music? I’m also very into music, I suppose I’ve gotten this from growing up around music lovers, my parents. I love a variety to music and like singing myself. A link to my soundcloud and youtube channel is on my Links page as well. My music baes are The 1975, George Ezra, Sam Smith, Chris Brown, The Killers, Lily Allen, Axwell v Ingrosso and Ed, as well as of course a good old bit of kisstory!

What I stand for? I am listener on 7 cups of tea under the username gracelalaland33. 7 cups is a website where anyone experiencing difficulty with their life at that time can talk to someone and seek comfort and advice easily without any connections. it is really safe, private and just a place where adults or teens can let things bothering them off their chest to someone with no connection. I also strong believe in standing up for bullying, those with mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and eating disorders and fully support all charities which help people in these positions.  (Check out my previous post on The Trevor Project) I am also an admin on http://imthegirlthat.tumblr.com/ if you would like some advice from just myself please address the ask with FOR GRACE and I will answer as soon as humanly possible.

I guess that’s all for now, please check out around my blog. I post about fashion, make up, music, celebrity, lifestyle and genuinely what is going on in my day to day life. Hope you enjoy, please comment and contact me whenever needed. Thanks dolls, stay sassy xox

some of my beautiful mad friendsIMG_1260-0




As well as my lovely Boyf

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